10 signs that there is a toddler in the house:

1. All the dishes you wash are plastic Tupperware. I started drinking from pink
and blue cups…

2. You only know two colours: pink and blue.

3. You have bright sparkly stickers literally everywhere: on your clothes, on your socks, on your glass table. …

4. The brands you know are no longer Gucci or Prada but Peppa pig and Dora the Explorer. You actually wait for the new episodes of Peppa pig as if it was the release of a new Star Wars movie.

5. You are completely oblivious when your own explorer is ripping your jewellery box and throwing all the socks on the floor- just another day at the office.

6. You are humming to yourself on the tube “the wheels on the bus” and are surprised that the rest of the commuters don’t join you in a sing-along.

7. You will start world war III if another toddler pushes your precious little one.

8. If your toddler pushes someone else he is just exploring his boundaries. …
9. You haven’t left the house after 20:00 in two years.

10. You forgot how to wear high heels.

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