Are we a tad too organic?

With organic shops popping up like mushrooms, organic home delivery fruit, veg and even bread, organic special products and most of all organic baby products. The question is: are we getting too organic??

What does it actually mean? Do we really need everything we use to be organic? If we don’t buy organic products, are we going to get cancer? Will planet earth collapse and our children won’t have fresh water anymore? Or is it just a successful marketing trick to make us the consumers feel guilty if we don’t subscribe to the latest organic fashion.

Back in the old days I used to do my weekly shopping in the supermarket, half an hour and I am done, but now every shopping trip is an expedition or a dissertation: the soups I buy from the organic shop so it has no added preservatives and all ingredients are natural, the fruit and veg are delivered from a certified organic farm somewhere in England, and I get my unhomoginised milk delivered straight from the cow MOOOO.

Am I going mad, is this really worth the effort? Will I really go to organic heaven when I die and will this really prolong my life expectancy or just prolong my shopping expedition? Here’s a thought, the UK is a cold country with very little sun, how much fruit and veg grows here? So how can it be organic? How can I get local sourced oranges when there is no sun here? Or bananas where we do not live in a tropical climate?

So if we need to fly these fruits from warmer countries anyway why do I need to go to specialist organic shops when the large supermarkets can do that just as well, and even add a fair trade stamp so I know no children were involved in my food gathering (this is the only thing that really matters!!) but of course the clever marketing machine already built in the doubt in me and when I shop in a regular supermarket I feel dirty, and when I go to these posh stylish organic shops just by shopping there I feel already healthy and conscious free.

But the worst is the baby organic products – touching a soft spot, I will not jeopardise my baby’s health if the answer to organic healthy living is at the bargain price of £2.99. What is so organic about a flattened dried fruit roll? Can’t I just give my baby the ACTUAL dried fruit? Isn’t that healthiest and properly organic? But it does not have the nice little packaging and it does not say that it is organic – because it is the actual dried fruit!!!!

Recently Which? Magazine claimed that one of the most successful organic washing products is so organic that it does not actually clean!!! Because hey in order to clean you need a bit of soap and chemicals. So I decided to be a bit more organic savvy, and to do a bit of a mix and match, and every now and again indulge in some organic marketing, other than that I am just going to order on line from the same supermarket ALL of my shopping and risk my child’s life because hey what doesn’t kill them makes them stronger!!!!

Hurra it is Oscar season!!!!

Hurra it is Oscar season!!!!

Which means we finally get to see good quality movies and not just summer comedies or blockbusters with long and boring car races and big explosions instead of a good script. I only saw Gravity and American Hustle but so far so good.

Gravity is not a movie but an experience, edge of the seat will I make it or not. Stunning visuals from earth and you can really understand the polarised personalities of astronauts: either a risk junky that would rather die if it means he can see the breathtaking view of earth, or those who have got nothing to lose. The film really belongs to the director, photographer and visual effects, the actors are less relevant, the viewer is the main actor which makes this movie so special.

American hustle is funny and interesting, good quality light entertainment. Amy Adams is really the main drive of the movie, I can’t really say she owns the movie because of the ensemble of good actors, but she is my favorite, however Bradley Cooper with pink rollers in his hair is a vision that will stay with me for a while. I just hope Christian Bale does not win the Oscar for gaining weight and looking bald, he is far too good an actor to settle for that.

My opinions and I have a lot!